Focus Topics
▪ MR Beyond Diagnostics: MR theranostics and intervention
▪ MR Beyond Structures: The dynamic body at different scales
▪ MR Beyond Trends: Fact checking MR
Educational Tracks
▪ From MR Basics to Safety and Protocol Optimization – for Clinicians and Radiographers
▪ From Hardware to Map – for Physicists and Engineers European Centred Sessions
▪ Medical Device Regulations
▪ European Grant Opportunities
▪ Consortia Initiated Symposia
Pre-Congress meetings
▪ 9th ESMRMB - GREC (Gadolinium Research and Education Committee) Meeting
▪ Preclinical MRI: A field in motion
▪ Leaps in Microstructure Imaging: Exploring New Horizons
NOTA: evento da responsabilidade de entidade externa à ATARP